Within weeks of the 2023 Mitchell Scholarship application period opening, News Center Maine reporter Chloe Teboe visited the Mitchell Institute for interviews with four Mitchell Scholars about the impact of the Scholarship and its many wraparound supports on college-going young people statewide.

Joining Teboe for the interview that aired on Jan. 18, 2023, were (left to right) Bryanna Alley, the 2020 Scholar from South Portland High School and junior Allied Health Sciences major at Plymouth State University; Jean-Daniel Liwanga, the 2020 Scholar from Baxter Academy and junior Computer Science major at University of Southern Maine; Ideh Rohani, the 2002 Scholar from Edward Little High School, USM Nursing graduate, and public health nurse with the City of Portland’s Public Health Division; Mitchell Institute President & CEO Jared Cash; and Zak Charette, the 2016 Scholar from Mount Desert Island High School, University of Maine Mechanical Engineering graduate and mechanical engineer with Portland-based Colby Co. Engineering.
Watch the story:
The full transcript of the interview is available on the News Center Maine website.